There are 4,600 different cockroaches, and 4 of those (German, Oriental, American, & Australian) reside in Las Vegas, Boulder City, and Henderson.
Whether you are on vacation, at home, or at work, if you are in Las Vegas or the surrounding areas in Clark County, one of the last things you want to run into is a Cockroach, that or Chris Angel.... The good news is out of 4,600 different species of cockroach only about 30 or so are associated with human habitation, and of those 30ish species, only 4 are found in the Clark County Nevada area. The chances are that you probably have already ran into one of these guys on the streets of Vegas, and we are here to educate you on how to identify and deal with these pests (the roaches of course, not Chris Angel). It is important to acknowledge that very few of these insects are considered pests, that said the ones that are pests can transfer bacteria and viruses to surfaces such as eating and cooking utensils and prep stations, their feces in household dust can exacerbate asthma, so making sure your living space is roach free is very important.
What is a Cockroach?

Cockroach is a corruption of the Spanish word Cucaracha. Encyclopedia Britannica defines Cockroach, (order Blattodea), also called roach, as any of about 4,600 species of insects that are among the most primitive living winged insects, appearing today much like they do in fossils that are more than 320 million years old. Easily identifiable by their brown leathery or shiny black integument, its thin oval body, and their long thin antennae. With its mouth pointing backwards instead of forward like other insects, the roach presents a downward bent head to accommodate the interesting mouth positioning. Male Cockroaches mostly have 2 sets of wings and can fly whereas female Cockroaches have either 1 set or vestigial wings in some species. The female roaches will lay egg cases filled with eggs called oothecae, that she then either glues to her body or a protected area. Some time after the mother roach deposits her egg case small white nymphs emerge and their exoskeleton will begin to turn brown as it hardens. As these insects grow their wingspan can become quite massive (for a bug that is) at almost 4.7 inches on some species, making them a species of interest in laboratories across the biology world.

Are Cockroaches invincible?
Due to their rather short lifespan, only a few hundred days or less in most cases, Cockroaches are thought to have evolved rapidly to suit whatever environment they currently inhabit. Usually low altitude areas that are warm and moist, though some species have adapted to much more extreme conditions, like Mt. Everest. This rapid life cycle has led to them being able to detect fermenting food from much farther away, have a digestive tract suited for breaking down pretty much any toxin, and an immune system to rival the Incredible Hulk. Though unlike the Hulk and contrary to popular myths and urban legends, Cockroaches are not immune to radiation. They are however about 5 times more resistant to radiation than humans. So there is always the chance they outlive us in the case of a nuclear fallout. In fact though they are on the lower end of radioactive resistance when it comes to insects, with some species being able to withstand 10 times the radiation as humans if not more. When it comes to removal the situation can be quite complicated, since these insects reproduce rather fast with large amounts of offspring in a single lay. When you take their 20-45 day incubation period, most insecticides have worn off or degraded. Make sure to contact professionals to make sure that the infestation has not gotten out of hand and is handled in a proper amount of time.
What Cockroaches can be found in Las Vegas?
The Oriental Cockroach

Considered one of the filthiest roaches, the Oriental Cockroach or Blatta orientalis has traveled the world's temperate regions on shipping vehicles and vessels from their Asaiatic source. With a life span similar to the American Cockroach, this shiny black or dark brown evolutionary conundrum can live almost a year in some cases. The female Oriental Cockroaches are one of the species with vestigial wings, and fully developed males have short wings making it so neither can take flight, thus making them one of the slower traveling species of roach and illuminates the shipping and import risks when it comes to certain pests. Because they are nocturnal, casual daytime inspections of a residence or workplace can offer little to no evidence of an infestation, make sure to check dark or dimly lit damp areas, such as under sinks, drain or sewer pipes, or any other damp dark areas like basements. They have also been known as “waterbugs'' for their high affinity to congregate in damp areas.
The American Cockroach

Originally hailing from Africa and the Middle East, the American Cockroach or Periplaneta americana, can be found outside or in warm dark areas indoors. They are a reddish brown and can grow up to 2 inches. They have one of the longer life cycles of the roach world, averaging at 1 and a half years, with females laying ootheca containing 16 or more eggs that hatch in 45 days, more than 50 times in an average life. Making them a very hard pest issue to tackle as insecticides can be washed away rather quickly, meaning very attentive action is needed to handle them. The secretions from the American Cockroach can change the flavor of food they have walked on, and if the infestation is large enough actually cause a noticeable odor to form in the home or place of business. Fortified Pest Management is more than capable to handle your American Cockroach infestation, make sure to schedule your free in home or workplace estimate inspection today.
The Australian Cockroach

A common species of tropical roach, the Australian Cockroach or Periplaneta australasiae, are brown and may easily be mistaken for the American Cockroach, coming in just under 2 inches at 1.38 inches average. The small size difference and prominent pale stripe or margin on the tegmina are ways of differentiating the two species. Similar to the American Cockroach, the Australian Cockroach was introduced to the continent, and originated in Africa. Preferring to live on the perimeters of buildings this roach prefers warm moist habitats and is non cold-tolerant, but is known to survive colder climates inside homes as well as habitats that may lack the traditional water supply you would find them in. Like most roaches the Australian Cockroach is a scavenger, primarily feeding on decaying or fermenting foods, but can also survive on household items such as wood, soap, and cardboard.
The German Cockroach

Coming in as the number one offender in the roach family, the German Cockroach or Blattella germanica, has a large variety of colorations, light tan to almost black, they can be identified by streaks on their pronotum that are dark and run somewhat parallel to each other. Although they have wings and are closely related to the Asian Cockroach, which can fly like a moth, the German roach cannot achieve this, it can however glide when disturbed or threatened. While capable of infesting your home or workplace, these insects are more associated with the food and service industry locations, restaurants, food packing and processing plants, Hotels and Nursing homes are also notorious. Due to these tendencies most German roaches enter our homes in grocery bags and boxes. Like with the American and Australian Cockroaches the German Cockroach, although originally thought to originate from Europe, further research seemed to indicate they came from Ethiopia in Northeast Africa. However, more current research seems to indicate an origin region of Southeast Asia. Just like the previous insects, these roaches reached their global destinations on and in the depths of cargo vessels conducting trade across the oceans and continents. Continuing the dietary trend of roaches, the German Cockroach is an omnivorous scavenger, preferring sugary, starchy and fatty foods. They are however not above eating things such as toothpaste or glue, and in very scarce famine situations even chew on the wings and antennae of their own kind and other roaches.
Whether you have a full blown Cockroach infestation or are just concerned after seeing a few unwanted dark ovals scurry across your kitchen floor, Fortified Pest Management is here to help. Fortified Pest Management is fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured. We are family owned, Pet Friendly and ALWAYS come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Whether you need a residential or professional estimate we are here to help. From Pigeons to Roof Rats, Spiders to Termites, Scorpions to Bed Bugs we will help you sleep better at night.