Types of Scorpions In Las Vegas & How To Prevent Them

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This complete scorpion guide lists the commonly found scorpions in Las Vegas, what they enjoy, and how to prevent them from entering your home.

This resource lists what scorpions are native to Las Vegas, what they enjoy, and how to prevent scorpions from entering your home.

Are There Scorpions In Las Vegas?

There are several types of scorpions in Las Vegas. Some can tolerate them; others have come to find out that they are not the easiest pests to just live with. There are close to 2,000 species of scorpion found throughout the world. Lucky for us, there are only a few common in Las Vegas. When finding an arachnid in your shoe or personal space, whether at home or in nature, it's important to be able to identify the insect in case it poses a threat to you or your loved ones. The first step is making sure if it's a scorpion and not another eight legged potential threat. ​​Scorpions are easily distinguished by their crablike appearance, pair of pincers, four pairs of legs, and long, segmented tail ending with an enlarged segment bearing a stinger. Identification is especially important if you have been stung/bitten by an insect. Once determined to be a scorpion if stung it's important to clean the sting with water and mild soap, apply a cool compress to the area to help minimize possible pain, and monitor how you are feeling in the hours that follow. If the sting area becomes swollen, you experience severe pain or nausea, and or difficulty breathing seek medical attention immediately whether you have identified the culprit or not.

The ones most common to the Las Vegas Valley areas are; The Hadrurus Arisonesis, The Wind Scorpion, The Bark Scorpion, and The Emperor Scorpion. These four species aren’t particularly dangerous but can surely be feared. For more information on our most common species in the area, keep on reading!

The #1 Most Common Scorpion In Las Vegas

If you find a scorpion in Las Vegas chances are it is The Bark Scorpion or better known as the Arizona Bark Scorpion.

Overview of The Bark Scorpion

The Bark Scorpion or better known as the Arizona Bark Scorpion is quite common in the Las Vegas and Clark County areas. The Bark Scorpion is the most common scorpion found in North America and does have a venomous sting. When feeding, they typically go for smaller pests and insects. The Arizona Bark Scorpion averages in length between 2.7-3.1 in. Their mesosoma is marked by horizontal lines, and their thin tail is topped with a stinger that is dramatically curved. As their name suggests the Arizona Bark Scorpion is found in the arrid state of Arizona, the Bark Scorpion also resides in other arid desert regions such as the Sonora and Chihuahua Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. Due to their size, and agility the Arizona Bark Scorpion is able to hide easily in their environment. Please be careful in dealing with these Scorpions, seek professional help to deal with infestations. Be on the lookout during the summer and winter months, you may have some uninvited visitors!

The Bark Scorpion Life Cycle

The Bark Scorpion preys on small and medium-sized animals such as beetles, spiders, crickets, cockroaches, other insects, and even other scorpions. Bark Scorpions are eaten by a wide variety of animals such as birds, reptiles, and other vertebrates. Development, extermination, and collecting scorpions for research also reduces the bark scorpion population in Las Vegas.

The Bark Scorpion Venom

The bark scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in Las Vegas, and even North America  Its venom can cause severe pain (coupled with numbness, tingling, and vomiting) in adult humans, typically lasting between 24 and 72 hours. Basic first aid measures can be used to help remediate Las Vegas Bark Scorpion stings. First, clean the sting site with soap and water, apply a cool compress (cool cloth), and take paracetamol or ibuprofen for local pain and swelling after consulting with your doctor.

Other Common Scorpions In Las Vegas

The Hadrurus Arisonesis Scorpion

They are also known as the Giant Desert Hairy Spider, Giant Hairy Scorpion, or Arizona Desert Hairy Scorpion, is one of 8-9 Hadrurus found in the United States and is the largest scorpion that is naturally found in the US. These pesty creatures have tiny brown hairs that cover the scorpion’s exoskeleton. Their “hair” is similar to that of a tarantula, leading to a very accurate name. Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion is the largest scorpion found in the United States, averaging 4+ inches. The Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion is a dark yellowish color that may appear greenish in the light. Normally this scorpion likes to burrow but that does not mean it won’t be found in your shoe. This Desert Hairy spider may come for a visit during the winter months. Your garage could become the next hot winter vacation spot.  

Arizona Desert Scorpion | Continental Neoichnology Database

The Wind Scorpion

Commonly referred to as the Sun Scorpion, is a general name for insects belonging to the order Solifugae. Other common names are Camel Spiders because of the humped heads. They used to also be referred to as solpugids, because of their former scientific name. They are relatively easy to identify. It is commonly believed that Wind Scorpions are rather large, they are in fact only about 0.4-3 inches in body length, however their legs can reach several inches making them appear much larger in some cases. The Wind Scorpion is different than most being that it actively moves and hunts for its food. They consume mostly insects and other small invertebrates. The Wind Scorpion may come for a visit during the winter months, or during the months that the desert sun is too much to bear. While they do carry a venomous sting like other scorpions found in the deserts of Arizona and Nevada they pose little threat to healthy adults, but have been known to cause allergic reactions that may be life threatening so be sure to always monitor your health directly following venomous stings or bites.

The Bark Scorpion

The Bark Scorpion or better known as the Arizona Bark Scorpion is quite common in the Las Vegas and Clark County areas. The Bark Scorpion is the most common scorpion found in North America and does have a venomous sting. When feeding, they typically go for smaller pests and insects. The Arizona Bark Scorpion averages in length between 2.7-3.1 in. Their mesosoma is marked by horizontal lines, and their thin tail is topped with a stinger that is dramatically curved. As their name suggests the Arizona Bark Scorpion is found in the arrid state of Arizona, the Bark Scorpion also resides in other arid desert regions such as the Sonora and Chihuahua Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. Due to their size, and agility the Arizona Bark Scorpion is able to hide easily in their environment. Please be careful in dealing with these Scorpions, seek professional help to deal with infestations. Be on the lookout during the summer and winter months, you may have some uninvited visitors!

Arizona bark scorpion - Wikipedia

The Emperor Scorpion

The most common scorpion that comes to mind when people think of them is the Emperor Scorpion. It is one of the largest (about 8 inches!) and most “Famous” scorpions as its size makes for quite the spectacle. Adults can reach lengths of almost 8 inches! And they can weigh in at over 30 grams, just under the Forest Scorpion. They are identified by their dark black/ brown shell, with two very large and bulky pincers. The Emperor Scorpion also has a very light stinger in color compared to the rest of their bodies.  Although it looks dangerous, Emperor scorpions are not compared to other scorpion species. It will rarely sting or pinch unless it's feeling threatened. This scorpion is venomous but poses little threat to humans due to the fact it does not always “inject” its venom when it strikes. With the large size of the emperor scorpion comes the uncomfortable truth that even if it does not inject its venom the size of that stinger is going to cause some discomfort. It will rarely sting or pinch unless it's feeling threatened. Like most other scorpions, you should be on the lookout for these guys during the winter months.

Emperor Scorpion | The Maryland Zoo

Scorpions Rarely Found In Las Vegas

The Striped Bark Scorpion

The Striped Bark Scorpion or “Three Striped Scorpion” is the most easily found Scorpion in North America. Generally the striped bark scorpion is 1.8-2.8 in length coming just in under the Arizona Bark Scorpion. The pale yellow color is also similar to its Arizona counterpart, but has a thicker tail and a vertically black striped back. A sting from the Striped Bark Scorpion is reported to be exceptionally painful, often being compared to that of an agitated wasp, and is known to last for many hours after the initial sting. Though the sting is painful, this venomous scorpion does not pose a need for medical attention for most healthy adults. Children, elderly and pets should always seek medical attention after a sting.

Striped Bark Scorpion - Field Guide to Common Texas Insects

The Yellow Ground Scorpion

The Yellow Ground Scorpion of the Sonoran desert can also be found in residential areas in recent years. This small slender bodied scorpion has a brown/ yellowish color similar to the Arizona Bark Scorpion but has a wider front metasomal segments of the body. The Claws have enlarged bases and narrow ends. Typically the Yellow Ground Scorpion grows to a length of 2 in, though some females have been documented at lengths pushing 3 inches. Though the Yellow Ground Scorpion is not that common of a residential pest does not mean it's not an issue. 

Close-up of a yellow scorpion on gray concrete

Preventing Scorpions In Las Vegas

While scorpions can't be eliminated there are way to make sure they skip your Las Vegas homes. One of the most common and effective prevention methods is to seal cracks in the wall and foundation so scorpions cannot get in. You can keep your garage, shed, and other openings clear and well organized. Scorpions will look for shelter from the hot Vegas desert in these areas. To find out more about how to prevent these pests from moving in throughout the year, check out our prevention tips! If you are to encounter some of our locally unwelcome guests, give us a call here at Fortified Pest Management. We have developed environmentally friendly techniques over the years that no other pest control company is doing in Las Vegas. This means that you will have a safe environment free of scorpions without residual chemicals that can harm pets or children. By choosing Fortified Pest Management you are ensuring that not only will proper integrated pest management be applied to your home, it will be done using 100% American made products that are eco-conscious and recyclable. We are family owned, Pet Friendly and ALWAYS come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Whether you need a residential or professional estimate we are here to help.

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